
ADHD Self-Doubt Assessment

For women with ADHD, self-doubt can be particularly persistent and overwhelming. When you receive persistent feedback that you're not living up to your potential you can become highly self-critical, and hold yourself back from embracing who you are and what you're capable of.

This short self-assessment is designed to provide you insights into how and where self-doubt may be impacting your life. Knowledge is power, and when you become aware of the opportunities that self-doubt is denying you, you are empowered to do something about it.
Intention & Gratitude Journal

There is no better way to start building your manifestation muscle than by focusing on what you want to create, how you want to feel, and the things that bring you joy. This journal offers you a daily ritual for 'getting it down' to start drawing your desires to you.

The Affirmation Alternative

Affirmations not giving you the desired results? Up-level your manifestation power by swapping out affirmations for something a little different and a whole lot more effective.

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