are you ready for a life EDIT?
if you have a story around any of the following:
not enough
confidence & self esteem
body image
life purpose
career or business
stress & anxiety
money & abundance
together we will:

separate 'fact' from fiction'
unravel your story
dissolve limiting beliefs
overcome fears
integrate unprocessed emotions
upgrade the narrative
awaken your true power and potential
the EDIT mentoring process
what happens in an E.D.I.T. mentoring session?

Understand why you do what you do, see through your story, and feel empowered to change it.

D (Dissolve)
Dispel the limiting beliefs, fears, and emotions that are in your way. Find freedom from what has been holding you back.

I (Integrate)
Install new beliefs and embrace the unlimited potential and possibility that comes from being free from the old story.

T (Transform)
Transcend the old narrative and be the conscious creator of the next chapter of your life.

All mentoring sessions come with a complimentary Human Design - Energetic Blueprint report valued at $49.00. Read more about it here.
initial session 
(new clients)
90 minutes
Online via Zoom

ongoing session 
(existing clients only)
60 minutes
Online via Zoom

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